push button
how to start this item?
push the button as shown at the manual
but where's the manual?
u must buy the item. then the manual will follow inside the box. read it first. understand it. im sure u will know how to push the button.
why should i buy the item first? why dont u give me the manual then i can read it. if it easy to me, i will buy it.
sorry sir, there is no time to learn then do. u must do the both at the same time. otherwise u will got nothing. for sure there are some risk as u said just now. but u dont have any choice. if ten years ago, ok. u learn first, then do. but i think its too late for u to do that way. just buy it.
but i dont have enought cash. thats why i must choose very carefully.
its up to u sir.
time is clicking
how to start this item?
push the button as shown at the manual
but where's the manual?
u must buy the item. then the manual will follow inside the box. read it first. understand it. im sure u will know how to push the button.
why should i buy the item first? why dont u give me the manual then i can read it. if it easy to me, i will buy it.
sorry sir, there is no time to learn then do. u must do the both at the same time. otherwise u will got nothing. for sure there are some risk as u said just now. but u dont have any choice. if ten years ago, ok. u learn first, then do. but i think its too late for u to do that way. just buy it.
but i dont have enought cash. thats why i must choose very carefully.
its up to u sir.
time is clicking
saya suka blog kamu.
kamu suka cik intan?
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM
cik sarah,
dia suka lihat laut je, kan bro...
angah, at 2:11 PM
hehh.. mmg aku suka lihat laut. because its real. cik intan? aku suka membayangkannya. terima kasih cik sarah and bro angah
boe~, at 3:07 PM
kau suka laut?
aku pun suka laut...tinggal pun di pinggir laut cina selatan...
ok...masih pening2 lalat...perlu tidur sekarang...esok baru makan...hehehe...
life's too short for chess...:-)
patungcendana, at 9:20 PM
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